Welcome to Proteus Spectra

Time is Money. Give your Clients Instant Instant Instant AI Powered Fitness and Dietary Plans

Personal trainers lose on average 2.1 million hours annually creating personalized fitness plans. Join us and get them in seconds.

This is how easy it is to create a plan...

Combined Years in Fitness

so...Why do you need us?

First, the problem.

The painstaking process of manually creating fitness and dietary plans is a burden to personal trainers, wasting time and leading to less clients.

“Trainers manually creating fitness and dietary plans is an outdated method that shackles progress in an industry desperate for efficiency and innovation.” -Diego Victoria | COO

Now, the Solution.

Meet Proteus, the tool for personal trainers. It creates the most optimal fitness and dietary plans instantly with the power of advanced algorithms and AI.

Proteus? what does it give me?

More Time, More Clients...

Instant Workout Plans for your Clients

Instantly crafted workout plans, precision-tailored to your client's metrics, goals, and preferences, ensuring a fitness journey that aligns seamlessly with their lifestyle.

Instant Nutrition Plans for your Clients

AI's nutritional wisdom and our advanced algorithms tailor dietary plans to fuel your client's goals, ensuring accuracy for their fitness journey with personalized precision.

Flexibility in Fitness Choices

Choose a fitness path: CrossFit, Free Weights, Calisthenics, Cardio, or Mobility. Tailor their physical journey according to their personal preferences and goals.

Finally, Meet Our AI...

Your client has shoulder pain today? No worries, ask the AI assistant for some good upper body workout suggestions. Our platform integrates an AI assistant, making it easy and efficient to account for anything, ensuring continuous progress on their fitness journey. 

Who we work with.

Personal Trainers

We partner with the most forward-thinking personal trainers to revolutionize their workflow. Our software instantly creates expert fitness and dietary plans, freeing up your time to train more clients and grow your business. And with our AI assistant, you can easily customize plans to meet each client’s needs, enhancing client satisfaction and boosting your revenue.


We also collaborate with modernizing gyms to streamline operations and elevate member experiences. For gyms we offer our cutting edge white-label software that empowers your trainers with instant, expert-approved fitness and dietary plans, allowing them to focus solely on training.

It is so easy...

The only things we need from your client

Trainers of


Get ahead in your training career with Proteus ™ and watch your client base grow.

Gyms of

The Future

Connect, share, and thrive with your team of trainers and watch your operation achieve results like never before.

Contact us

Your Wellness Journey Awaits

Have questions or need assistance on your fitness journey with Proteus Spectra? We’re here to help! Reach out to our dedicated support team for personalized guidance, troubleshooting, or any inquiries. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you on your path to wellness. Connect with us today!


+34 692 515 405 | +1 602 563 5158

